Compose Fundamentals: Understanding the Building Blocks of Jetpack Compose

Rajeev Morya
4 min readDec 28, 2023


Hello again, fellow Android enthusiasts! After our introduction to Jetpack Compose, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and delve into the core of this exciting toolkit — Compose Fundamentals. Today, we’re going to explore the basic building blocks of Jetpack Compose in a way that’s easy to understand, even if you’re new to this. Let’s break down these concepts into bite-sized, digestible pieces.

What are Compose Fundamentals?

Think of Jetpack Compose like a box of building blocks. Each block represents a piece of your app’s UI, like a button, text, or an image. In Jetpack Compose, these blocks are called Composables.

Composables: The Heart of Jetpack Compose

A Composable function is a special type of function in Kotlin that lets you define your UI components. What’s great about these is that they’re easy to use and understand. Imagine saying, “I want a text here, a button there,” and voilà, it appears! That’s essentially what Composables do.

Example: Creating a Simple Text

In this example, Greeting is a Composable function that creates a piece of text saying “Hello, Jetpack Compose!”. Simple, right?

Layout System: Where Everything Finds Its Place

Just like in a puzzle, every piece needs to fit in the right place. The layout system in Jetpack Compose helps you place your Composables exactly where you want them on the screen.

Example: Centering Text

Explore the detailed comparison between Jetpack Compose and traditional XML layouts :

Modifiers: The Magic Touch

Modifiers in Jetpack Compose are like magic wands. They let you modify the appearance or behavior of Composables. Want to change the color, size, or add padding? Modifiers are here to help.

Modifiers are an integral part of the Compose toolkit, allowing developers to create complex UIs with less code and greater ease compared to traditional Android views. Here’s a detailed explanation:

Example 1: Basic Layout and Styling

text = "Hello, Jetpack Compose!",
modifier = Modifier
.border(2.dp, Color.Black)


  • background(Color.LightGray) sets the background color of the Text composable to light gray.
  • padding(16.dp) adds padding around the text, creating space between the text and its border.
  • border(2.dp, Color.Black) adds a black border with a thickness of 2 dp around the Text composable.

Example 2: Sizing and Alignment

modifier = Modifier
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
Text("Centered Text", color = Color.White)


  • size(100.dp) sets both the width and height of the Box composable to 100 dp.
  • background(Color.Blue) sets the background color of the Box to blue.
  • contentAlignment = Alignment.Center centers the Text composable inside the Box.

Example 3: Interactivity

onClick = { /* Handle click */ },
modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp)
) {
Text("Click Me")


  • onClick = { /* Handle click */ } defines the action to be performed when the button is clicked.
  • Modifier.padding(8.dp) adds padding around the Button, separating it from other UI elements.

Example 4: Custom Modifier

fun Modifier.roundedCornerBorder(radius: Dp, color: Color, width: Dp) = this
.border(BorderStroke(width, color), shape = RoundedCornerShape(radius))

"Custom Modifier",
modifier = Modifier.roundedCornerBorder(10.dp, Color.Red, 2.dp)


  • roundedCornerBorder is a custom modifier that adds a rounded corner border to a composable.
  • BorderStroke(width, color) defines the border's color and width.
  • RoundedCornerShape(radius) gives the border rounded corners.
  • This modifier is then applied to a Text composable.

Example 5: Chain Multiple Modifiers

painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.image),
contentDescription = "Sample Image",
modifier = Modifier
.border(5.dp, Color.Magenta, CircleShape)


  • size(200.dp) sets the size of the Image.
  • clip(CircleShape) clips the image into a circular shape.
  • border(5.dp, Color.Magenta, CircleShape) adds a magenta border with a thickness of 5 dp, also in a circular shape.

These examples demonstrate how modifiers in Jetpack Compose can be used to control layout, styling, interactivity, and even create custom reusable modifications, showcasing their flexibility and power in building UIs.

Why Learn Compose Fundamentals?

  • Simplicity: Understanding these basics makes creating Android UIs much easier.
  • Flexibility: Once you know how to use Composables, layouts, and modifiers, you can create almost any UI you can imagine.
  • Efficiency: Writing less code for the same result not only saves time but also makes your code cleaner and easier to maintain.


Learning the fundamentals of Jetpack Compose is like learning the alphabet before writing a story. It might seem basic, but it’s essential for building any app. Take your time to experiment with Composables, play around with the layout system, and add your flair with modifiers. Before you know it, you’ll be crafting beautiful Android apps with ease and confidence. Happy Composing! 🎨📱

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Rajeev Morya

Versatile Android Engineer | Delivering Cutting-Edge Mobile Experiences | Fluent in Java, Kotlin, React Native & Flutter